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2023 Kids Farmers Market schedules

Jul 5, 2023 | FBST, Foodbank Blog

Below are the locations and times of this year’s Kids Farmers Markets. You can click on the image to enlarge.

What is the Kids’ Farmers Market?
The Kids’ Farmers Market is a no-cost distribution that provides fresh fruits and vegetables to children who are at risk of hunger or food insecurity and may not have access to produce on a regular basis.

The overall goals of the Kids’ Farmers Market are to:
• Increase children’s exposure to fresh fruits and vegetables thus creating an awareness of the importance of eating these foods.
• Encourage long-term nutritious eating patterns.
• Create new and fun opportunities for learning about fruits and vegetables (including taste tests and recipes).
• Give children the confidence to try unfamiliar foods.
• Promote a better understanding of how gardening/ agriculture produces the healthy foods we eat.
• Provide an opportunity for children to take fruits and vegetables home to share with their families.

The program runs throughout the school year in conjunction with after-school programs, as well as during the summer in partnership with existing summer meal sites. KFM can either be a drop-and-go model, where the Food Bank drops off produce and the event is managed exclusively by the site coordinator, or with Food Bank staff support, most notably the driver.